Posts tagged Theology
Canada Day for People of the Way, A Challenging Lens

As people of the way we need to be able take into account many parts of an argument or situation, to have a voice that can hold two opposing ideas at once, without feeling the need to choose one against the other. It is a voice that is more interesting in nurturing than opposing, more interested in discovering than demanding, a voice that is more interested in serving, than oppressing. Jesus was such a voice. And it is a challenging one.

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The Emergent Church, Explained, Peter Rollins

Understanding the concepts in the Emerging church is important for any churches in the 21st century who desires to provide a spiritual place of rest, reflection and intelligent theology for their local neighbourhood. Here Peter Rollins, Irish writher, Christian theologian and philosopher, talks about the Emergent Church in an interview.

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Three Days of Easter, Our High Holidays

Everyone loves the Sunday morning party of Easter – what’s not to love about waking up to a day that celebrates spring and new beginnings, with its playful motif of bunnies and Easter egg hunts, awash in shades of buttery yellow and palest mauve and the hope of some kind of confection before the day is through?
Ah, but the two days that proceed the Easter celebration are another matter.

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A Reflection on Hope, Candice's Blog

True hope does not move forward in time. Authentic hope stands outside of time, moving between the two parallels of eternity and history. This is brought about only in one way and that is through the compassionate movement of ourselves towards other – Other being God, and other being one another. Paradoxically, as we move towards the other, there is an embracing of our own humanity and a binding to the larger cosmos of which Other/God simply is.

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