Lenten/Easter Resources for Consideration
Lent is a time of reflection, a time to consider the depth of our faith, how we are living our lives, how we are following in the footsteps of Jesus. We do this by spending extra time in silence and rest, as best as our lives allow. Here, to aid in your contemplation - a prayer, a theological video offering with Peter Rollins, two musical offerings, UCC Moderator Richard Bott’s Lenten message and a bumper sticker.
God of wilderness and water,
your Son was baptized and tempted as we are.
Guide us through this season,
that we may not avoid struggle,
but open ourselves to blessing,
through the cleansing depths of repentance
and the heaven-rending words of the Spirit. Amen.
Artist of souls,
you sculpted a people for yourself
out of the rocks of wilderness and fasting.
Help us as we take up your invitation to prayer and simplicity,
that the discipline of these forty days
may sharpen our hunger for the feast of your holy friendship,
and whet our thirst for the living water you offer
through Jesus Christ.
In his Lenten message, Moderator Richard Bott reminds us that this season is a time to think, deeply, about our relationship with God. He asks us each to consider meeting with another disciple of Jesus, and exploring the question, “How is it with your soul?”