Support us.
There are many ways to give.
Donate now or learn more below.

In the Shelburne/Primrose Pastoral Charge there are many ministries and initiatives to support. As we strive to serve the larger community in and around our church buildings, we hope that you will think of us when you are choosing ways to give.
“It is a privilege to give, for in giving we understand that all has been given to us...”
You may support Trinity Primrose United Church (same as Shelburne Primrose Pastoral Charge) with a general donation, or direct your donation to any of the various categories of offerings that interest you (same as your Sunday offerings, e.g M & S, property, Food bank, etc) or to our partnership with First Line for Syria.
If you wish to discuss a particular donation, please do not hesitate to contact us.
All donations are so welcome, as we seek in many ways to spread the light of love throughout the neighbourhood and beyond.
Giving by email transfer is a fast and efficient way to give to the church. Email transfers are tax receipted at the years end, as would be donations given by cash or cheque.
To give to Trinity Primrose United Church:
To give to First Line for Syria:
Please indicate in the message area if you wish to direct your donation to a specific use, e.g. the Foodbank, First Line for Syria, general use, etc.
We are pleased to receive cheques through the post. Make your cheque out to Trinity Primrose United Church. Post dated cheques are held in trust to be deposited at the designated time. Indicate on your cheque if you wish to direct your gift as you would for in church offerings.
Cheques should be sent to our church office:
Trinity Primrose United Church
200 Owen Sound Street,
Shelburne, Ontario, L9V 3L4
If you would like a cheque personally picked up, this can be arranged through our minister or either of the clerks of session.
Pre-Authorized Remittance, or P.A.R., allows you to support your church through an automatic monthly withdrawal from your bank account.
The United Church administers the program following the giver’s wishes. For example, you might give X amount for local church expenses and X amount for Mission & Service.
If you wish to know more about this excellent way of giving, speak to your treasurer, clerk, or minister. You can begin by printing off the PAR form and filling it out.
Download form
You can also give by credit card via Canada Helps. Canada Helps is a Canadian registered charity which exists purely to enable other charities to receive online gifts. Canada Helps is a non-profit business.
When you donate through Canada Helps your gift arrives immediately, as does your tax receipt.
Support Trinity Primrose United Church
Support First Line for Syria
However you decide to support us, know that we are deeply appreciative of your gift. May you be as blessed in the giving, as we are in the receiving.