Posts tagged Easter
Practice Resurrection, Wendell Berry's Manifesto

The season of Eastertide is the season of resurrection, the season of new life. Arriving at the same time as the emergence of spring, we have all around us evidence that from the cold, hard, seemingly barren ground, astonishing wonders may emerge. Wendell Berry has learned from the earth and offers us his manifesto for practicing resurrection.

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Contemporary Crucifixion: Renato Guttuso's Modern Italian masterpiece

The Crucifixion of Jesus has been a focus for painters throughout the ages. What is depicted reflects the time, place, economics and politics of the painters and the culture in which they reside. Most notably, European artists from the Renaissance on, have painted Jesus, his family and his disciples as Caucasian, when in fact, Jesus was in the middle east, and would have had an ethnicity that reflected his birth place.

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Three Days of Easter, Our High Holidays

Everyone loves the Sunday morning party of Easter – what’s not to love about waking up to a day that celebrates spring and new beginnings, with its playful motif of bunnies and Easter egg hunts, awash in shades of buttery yellow and palest mauve and the hope of some kind of confection before the day is through?
Ah, but the two days that proceed the Easter celebration are another matter.

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Easter 2020, Easter Mystery in Extraordinary Times

"Dear Virus, Thank you for shaking us and showing us that we are dependent on something much bigger than we think. Thank you for the humbleness that comes with this realization..." So, begins Riya Soko's extraordinary letter of gratitude to the virus that has turned the world upside down. Here it along with Jennifer Henry’s KAIROS Easter message from 2020 and still powerful today.

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