The Centurion, A Good Friday Reflection

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The Centurion

He weeps, the Centurion, for all he could not see......
and when, too late, he realized his error.

I weep too, for these many years later,
my blindness is just as brutal.

I like he am covered in the froth and fleck of the blood
of the forgotten and maligned, those left to die
alone, affliction branding their spirit
with the hot poker of chance,
the salt on their wounds our contempt,
the vinegar our tuned backs,
and their final desolation our collective murmured condemnation.

We can only hope our mingled tears will wash us,
if not free and clean,
at the least fresh enough for new beginnings.
Where else is there to turn but back upon ourselves,
hearts broken open with remorse
softened with humility,
walking, at last, in companionship,
with a god whose tears mingle with our own.

Weep then, dear Centurion,
and I will comfort you,
and you me.

In tears we gather strength.......
......and soldier on.

Painting, Bruce Ley, Reflection, Candice Bist