The Monk Manifesto: Seven Principles for Living with Deep Intention

Image by fusion-of-horizons/Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).

Image by fusion-of-horizons/Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).


By Christine Valters Painter, Benedictine Oblate

Monk: from the Greek monachos meaning single or solitary. A monk in the world does not live apart but immersed in the everyday with a single-hearted and undivided presence, always striving for greater wholeness and integrity.

Manifesto: from the Latin for clear, means a public declaration of principles and intentions.

Monk Manifesto: A public expression of your commitment to live a compassionate, contemplative, and creative life.

Christine Valters Paintner is a Benedictine oblate and the online abbess of Abbey of the Arts, a monastery without walls offering classes and resources to nurture contemplative practice and creative expression. She is the author of several books including Water, Wind, Earth, & Fire: The Christian Practice of Praying with the Elements.