Posts tagged Candice's Blog
In Uncertainty, Never the Less, We Persist

Those who are already facing health challenges, mental, physical or a combination of both, can feel overwhelmed. And even those with no apparent struggles can feel less grounded in the midst of the fluidity that is the current landscape. It may be wise to say that 'the only way forward is through.' But the through is not always a saunter through the flower filled meadow. Nevertheless, we persist.

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A Reflection on Hope, Candice's Blog

True hope does not move forward in time. Authentic hope stands outside of time, moving between the two parallels of eternity and history. This is brought about only in one way and that is through the compassionate movement of ourselves towards other – Other being God, and other being one another. Paradoxically, as we move towards the other, there is an embracing of our own humanity and a binding to the larger cosmos of which Other/God simply is.

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