Posts tagged Christianity
Contemporary Spirituality with Joan Chittister, Three Podcasts

Joan Chittister, with her straight forward manner and deep love of God and people, offers a modern, intelligent, Christian spirituality one can live with day by day. Here are three different podcasts of interviews with sister Chittister, centred around her books, all of which reflect a Christian Spirituality for the 21st Century.

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Contemporary Crucifixion: Renato Guttuso's Modern Italian masterpiece

The Crucifixion of Jesus has been a focus for painters throughout the ages. What is depicted reflects the time, place, economics and politics of the painters and the culture in which they reside. Most notably, European artists from the Renaissance on, have painted Jesus, his family and his disciples as Caucasian, when in fact, Jesus was in the middle east, and would have had an ethnicity that reflected his birth place.

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Canada Day for People of the Way, A Challenging Lens

As people of the way we need to be able take into account many parts of an argument or situation, to have a voice that can hold two opposing ideas at once, without feeling the need to choose one against the other. It is a voice that is more interesting in nurturing than opposing, more interested in discovering than demanding, a voice that is more interested in serving, than oppressing. Jesus was such a voice. And it is a challenging one.

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