Posts tagged Practice
Blessings, as Spiritual Practice, Br. David Steindl-Rast

In his beloved book 99 Blessings: An Invitation to Life, Br. David Steindl-Rast writes, “Blessing, rightly understood, is the invisible bloodstream pulsating through the universe — alive and life-giving.” Each and every moment, we can cultivate deeper awareness of the blessing of simply being alive, greater appreciation for all that works and is sufficient in our lives, and wonder and awe for the miracles that are within and around us at all times.

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A Grateful Day, Spiritual Practice offers us a meditation awakens us to the wonders of our world, reminds us about what truly matters, and invites us to notice the everyday gifts of our lives. Grateful living is way of life that does all of the above and, in so doing, contributes to a peaceful, thriving, and sustainable world – held as sacred by all. Following the meditation are questions and suggested practices for living out a grateful day.

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How We Gather, Five Essays, Angie Thurston

Angie Thurston is creating spiritual formation experiences for the 21st century. She is dedicated to connecting the inner life of spirit to the outer life of action for social change. Convinced that we need each other to become who we’re meant to be, Angie supports an emerging field of leaders who are deepening community and combating our modern-day crisis of isolation.

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The Power of Ritual, Casper ter Kuile

Casper ter Kuile, a Harvard Divinity School fellow and cohost of the popular Harry Potter and the Sacred Text podcast, explores how we can nourish our souls by transforming common, everyday practices—yoga, reading, walking the dog—into sacred rituals that can heal our crisis of social isolation and struggle to find purpose—a message we need more than ever for our spiritual and emotional well-being in the age of COVID-19.

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Spiritual Practice: Practicing Compassion

Compassion is the active regarding of life through the eyes of love, seeing value in all people and situations. This committed work of mind and heart restores one’s own equilibrium and sense of belovedness,
allowing for ourselves, and all others, to be known as valued members of humanity. We see through the eyes of love the world brought to life, and in it, we welcome a new richness into our own earthy adventure.

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