Posts tagged Essay
Standing in the Shadow of Hope, Austin Channing Brown

Austin Channing Brown writes that she is “not interested in love that is aloof, in a love that qualifies the statement, “Black lives mat­ter,” because it is unconvinced this is true. I am not interested in a love that refuses to see systems and structures of injustice, preferring to ask itself only about personal intentions. I need a love that is troubled by injustice.”

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How We Gather, Five Essays, Angie Thurston

Angie Thurston is creating spiritual formation experiences for the 21st century. She is dedicated to connecting the inner life of spirit to the outer life of action for social change. Convinced that we need each other to become who we’re meant to be, Angie supports an emerging field of leaders who are deepening community and combating our modern-day crisis of isolation.

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