Posts tagged White Fragility
103 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice

Corinne Shutack is Working towards a world where pain and suffering isn’t caused by a fellow human. Here she offers 103 very specific things that white people can do for racial justice. Form a group and start working through the list. As Corinne says, “Our work to fix what we broke and left broken. The work isn’t done until Black folks tell us it’s done.”

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Work Book for Me and White Supremacy, Layla F. Saad

Layla F. Saad wrote Me and White Supremacy to encourage people who hold white privilege to examine their (often unconscious) racist thoughts and behaviours through a unique, twenty-eight-day reflection process complete with journaling prompts. This guided journal, which is to be used in tandem with the book, is the perfect place to continue your antiracism journey.

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Standing in the Shadow of Hope, Austin Channing Brown

Austin Channing Brown writes that she is “not interested in love that is aloof, in a love that qualifies the statement, “Black lives mat­ter,” because it is unconvinced this is true. I am not interested in a love that refuses to see systems and structures of injustice, preferring to ask itself only about personal intentions. I need a love that is troubled by injustice.”

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I'm Still Here, Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness, Austin Channing Brown

I’m Still Here, is an illuminating look at how white, middle-class, Evangelicalism has participated in an era of rising racial hostility, inviting the reader to confront apathy, recognize God's ongoing work in the world, and discover how blackness--if we let it--can save us all. It is a powerful account of how and why our actions so often fall short of our words.

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Cracking open White identity towards transformation, Canadian Council of Churches

The Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network has taken up the challenge of resourcing and accompanying communities of faith in their journey toward truth and reconciliation. This resource zeros in on White privilege as an essential aspect of anti-racism work. Racism is one expression of the White privilege and supremacy that is present in day-to-day interactions and built into systems and church structures. It is impossible to do anti-racism work without examining White identity and the unearned power and privilege that flows from that identity.

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Me and White Supremacy, Layla F. Saad

Layla Saad’s book challenges you to do the essential work of unpacking your biases, and helps white people take action and dismantle the privilege within themselves so that you can stop (often unconsciously) inflicting damage on people of color, and in turn, help other white people do better, too. It takes readers on a 28-day journey, complete with journal prompts, to do the necessary and vital work that can ultimately lead to improving race relations.

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Advice to White People Wanting to be Good Allies

From Sojourners, comes this steady advice to white people about how to be good allies to BIPOC people., written by Courtney Ariel. Based in the Christian tradition and a person of colour, Ariel responds to white friends asking, ‘how can we become better allies?" Her advice is clear, steady, and accessible. Read what she writes. Do what she does. White people need to be part of the solution.

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The Souls of White People, Reparation in the Church

As America marks 400 years since people of African descent were first brought to our shores in chains, some politicians, academic institutions, communities of faith, and individuals are beginning to wrestle with the atoning possibility of reparations. The institution of the church is uniquely positioned to shape this movement of reckoning.

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Talking about Whiteness, Eula Bliss

You can’t think about something if you can’t talk about it, says Eula Biss. The writer helpfully opens up lived words and ideas like complacence, guilt, andopportunity hoarding for an urgent reckoning with whiteness. This conversation was inspired by her 2015 essay in The New York Times, White Debt. This podcast is from On Being with Krista Tippett, in Conversation with Eula Biss, 'Talking about Whiteness'.

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White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack

Peggy McIntosh, founder of the National SEED Project on Inclusive Curriculum, which seeks Educational Equity & Diversity in the USA, writing way back in 1989 observed: “I have come to see white privilege as an invisible package of unearned assets which I can count on cashing in each day, but about which I was ‘meant’ to remain oblivious. White privilege is like an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions. . . ”

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White? Get Mighty Uncomfortable

Robin DiAngelo’s bestselling book White Fragility has provoked an uncomfortable but vital conversation about what it means to be white. As protests organized by the Black Lives Matter movement continue around the world, she explains why white people should stop avoiding conversations about race because of their own discomfort, and how 'white fragility' plays a key role in upholding systemic racism.

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White Fragility, Why Its So Hard For White People to Talk About Racism, Robin DeAngelo

In a new book, “White Fragility,” Dr. Robin DiAngelo attempts to explicate the phenomenon of white people’s paper-thin skin. She argues that our largely segregated society is set up to insulate whites from racial discomfort, so that they fall to pieces at the first application of stress—such as, for instance, when someone suggests that “flesh-toned” may not be an appropriate name for a beige crayon.

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Allyship - The Key To Unlocking The Power Of Diversity

What is an ally? An ally is any person that actively promotes and aspires to advance the culture of inclusion through intentional, positive and conscious efforts that benefit people as a whole. Sheree Atcheson, author of "Demanding More : Why Diversity & Inclusion Aren't Happening & what you can do about it", writes about why being an ally is so important to anti-racism.

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How Jesus became white — and why it’s time to cancel that

Warner Sallman's 1940 oil painting "The Head of Christ" is believed to be the most reproduced religious work of art. It's been copied a billion times, if you include lamps, clocks and calendars. It came to define Christianity for generations of Christians in the United States and beyond.

When Emily McFarlan Millergrew up and began to study the Bible on her own, she started to wonder about that painting and the message it sent.

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Robin DiAngelo and Resmaa Menakem In Conversation

Krista Tippett begins - “The show we released with Minneapolis trauma specialist Resmaa Menakem in the weeks after George Floyd’s killing has touched listeners, and galvanized searching, with an extraordinary reach. So I said yes when he proposed that he join me in conversation again, this time together with Robin DiAngelo. She is perhaps the foremost voice in our civilizational grappling with whiteness; her book, White Fragility, is one of the most widely read books in the world right now. Hearing the two of them together is electric — the deepest of dives into the calling of our lifetimes.”

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