Posts tagged Layla F. Saad
Work Book for Me and White Supremacy, Layla F. Saad

Layla F. Saad wrote Me and White Supremacy to encourage people who hold white privilege to examine their (often unconscious) racist thoughts and behaviours through a unique, twenty-eight-day reflection process complete with journaling prompts. This guided journal, which is to be used in tandem with the book, is the perfect place to continue your antiracism journey.

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Me and White Supremacy, Layla F. Saad

Layla Saad’s book challenges you to do the essential work of unpacking your biases, and helps white people take action and dismantle the privilege within themselves so that you can stop (often unconsciously) inflicting damage on people of color, and in turn, help other white people do better, too. It takes readers on a 28-day journey, complete with journal prompts, to do the necessary and vital work that can ultimately lead to improving race relations.

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