Talking about Whiteness, Eula Bliss

Image by Ann Hamilton, © All Rights Reserved

Image by Ann Hamilton, © All Rights Reserved


On Being with Krista Tippett, in Conversation with Eula Biss, 'Talking about Whiteness'

You can’t think about something if you can’t talk about it, says Eula Biss. The writer helpfully opens up lived words and ideas like complacence, guilt, andopportunity hoarding for an urgent reckoning with whiteness. This conversation was inspired by her 2015 essay in The New York Times, White Debt.

Whiteness is costing me my community. It is the wedge driven between me and my neighbours, between me and other mothers, between me and other workers. Like a bad loan, the kind in which the payments increase over time, the price of whiteness remains hidden behind its promises.
— Eula Bliss

Eula Bliss teaches at Northwestern University.[5] She is the author of four books and the founder of Essay Press.