The Emergent Church, Reflection, Richard Rohr

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Richard Rohr, speaking about his work as director and creator of the Centre for Contemplation and Action, talks about his thoughts on The Emerging, or Emergent Church. You will also find in the listening section, a series of three lectures on this subject recorded in early 2021.

The Emerging Church
Monday, October 28, 2019

I do believe that what some refer to as the “emerging church” is a movement of the Holy Spirit. Movements are the energy-building stages of things, before they become monuments, museums, or machines. In the last sixty years, several significant events have taken place, both within and alongside the various Christian churches, to foster this movement. Spiritual globalization is allowing churches worldwide to profit from these breakthroughs at approximately the same time, which of itself is a new kind of reformation! No one is directing, controlling, or limiting this movement. We are just trying to listen together. It is happening almost in spite of all of us—which tells me the Spirit must be guiding.