The Temptations, Bruce Ley
“Seek God’s will. Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing else.”
First and Second Commandments.
Yes, that's right. God first, everything else second.
aka Don't worry. Be happy.
"Idolatry is the practice of ascribing absolute value to things of relative worth. Under certain circumstances, money, patriotism, sexual freedom, moral principles, family loyalty, physical beauty, social or intellectual preeminence, and so on are fine things to have around; but to make them the standard by which all other values are measured, to make them your masters, to look to them to justify your life and save your soul is sheerest folly. They just aren't up to it.
Idolatry is always popular among religious people, but idols made out of things like the denomination, the Bible, the liturgy, the holy images are apt to seem so limited in real power even to their idolaters that there is always the hope that in time they will overthrow themselves.
It is among the unreligious that idolatry is a particular menace. Having ushered God out once and for all through the front door, the unbeliever is under constant temptation to replace God with the something spirited in through the service entrance. From the moment the eighteenth-century French revolutionaries set up the goddess of Reason on the high altar of Notre Dame, there wasn't a head in all Paris that was safe."
Frederick Buechner, originally published in Wishful Thinking and later in Beyond Words
Peter Rollins, from Northern Ireland, is a key leader and teacher in the Emergent movement, a lively new Christianity that is emerging from the shadow of Christendom. He is the author of ‘The Idolatry of God: Breaking our Addiction to Certainty and Satisfaction. It is a slim, beautifully written book of deep theology. In other words, it requires mindful concentration to absorb.
“Here God is not approached as an object that we must love, but as a mystery present in the very act of love itself”