How We Gather, Tapestry, CBC


Young Jean-Michel Blais, a composer/pianist, fills theatres with attentive concert goers who sit in stillness and contemplation, the alchemy of the collective presence and Michel's soul filled musical offerings creating a sense of the sacred that weaves together an evening of enchantment. And the answer to the question that many ask on Sunday morning in our churches - where are the young people and why are they not in church? - is that they have taken church out into the daily living of their lives - into music, sport, business, philosophy, finance, judicial matters - all the myriad of concerns in which they are involved. And it is we who should be following them down to the River Jordan to see how we may partake, support and learn from them.

Here CBC's Tapestry offers to the church and those who feel at once drawn and dismayed by the church, new insight into the how and where and when people gather for spiritual nourishment.