Authority in the Emergent Church, Phyllis Tickle, Brian McLaren

Here are two short videos from leaders in the emergent Christian movement speaking about the challenge of authority as we find our way forward in a new and enlivening faith.

The reformation marked a shift in authority from church leadership to the Bible. Phyllis Tickle discusses how she thinks we are amidst another shift in authority.

Phyllis Tickle, who died in 2015, was considered a leading international religious teacher. In addition to lectures and numerous essays, articles, and interviews, Tickle is the author of over three dozen books in religion and spirituality, most recently Age of the Spirit, Emergence Christianity-What It Is, Where It Is Going, and Why It Matters, The Great Emergence, How Christianity is Changing and Why and The Words of Jesus, A Gospel of the Sayings of Our Lord.

Tickle was particularly interested in the emerging church in the 21st century and the importance of personal spiritual disciplines, particularly prayer, and how they are to be incorporated into our daily routines.

Learn More About Phillis Tickle


Brian D. McLaren is an author, speaker, activist, and public theologian. A former college English teacher and pastor, he is a passionate advocate for “a new kind of Christianity” – just, generous, and working with people of all faiths for the common good. He is a faculty member of The Living School and podcaster with Learning How to See, which are part of the Center for Action and Contemplation.

In this second episode of 10 short videos on the emerging church, he too addresses the challenge of authority in our our current Christian faith.