Fundraisers, Practicing Compassion Study Resumes, UCC in the News
Please continue to keep your family members well taken care of, watch out for neighbours in need, and pray for those in your church and neighbourhood. In particular, hold Jennifer S. in you heart, exhausted as she is from lengthy care giving. Marion W. buried her husband this last week, so would certainly appreciate a call or a note. And Shirley F. has been travelling back and forth to Owen Sound with Morley back in surgery, so she will also need your attention.
I am certain there are others whom you know of that require our care, so please to do what you can when and how you can. Small thoughts are appreciated.
Watch your in box early this week for a newsletter, with updates and messages from your clerks of session and various committees. It will be sent in a special email. Hardcopies for printing will be ready by midweek to pick up at the church.
Mary Hawthorne asks that you keep any envelopes you have from last year to be used in 2021 in an effort to practice re using and re cycling. She thanks you in advance for being careful in this way.
UCC in the News
United Church of Canada Stands with the Mi’kmaq Lobster Fishers
Regional Council 15, which has a long history of solidarity with Indigenous peoplesasserting their treaty rights, is asking the rest of the church to join them in honouring the Peace and Friendship Treaty of 1752 as Mi’kmaq lobster fishers exercising their treaty right to a fishery are confronted with racism and violence.
Moderator Richard Bott and Indigenous Ministries Executive Minister Murray Pruden have responded with a letter to the church which says in part that “As a church that has repudiated colonial doctrines and committed itself to Indigenous rights, to the ongoing work of building right relations, and to opposing racism in all of its forms, we cannot remain silent.”
Regional Council 15 is also asking for prayers from across the church.On Friday 23 October, a small interfaith delegation will visit Mi’kmaq community members in Saulnierville NS. In the face of the violence, vandalism, and tension that the Mi’kmaq people have experienced, the purpose of this visit is to listen, show support, and share prayers for peace and healing.
Individuals and communities of faith are invited to share in this action by taking a moment for prayer at 2 p.m. (Atlantic) on Friday, October 23. That’s 2:30 p.m. NL, 1:00 p.m. EDT, 12:00 p.m. CT, 11:00 a.m. MT, 10:00 a.m. PT.
Region 15 has prepared this Prayer for Peace and Healing for your use.
Pastoral Charge News
Practicing Compassion
Beginning Again Next Thursday, October 29, 7:30, zoom gathering
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Primrose Christmas in the Country Market
Saturday November 28, 1 - 3 pm
Tiny Market in a Historic Church
Handmade gifts for special people
Preserves. Sweets. Seasonal arrangementsAll proceeds will support Shepherds Cupboard Food Bank
All current health requirements in effect
Bring your market basket!
Trinity Environmental Christmas Fund
New Boilers to Keep our Partners and Ourselves Warm
Old Buildings Need Environmentally Responsible Upgrades
Last winter the boilers at Trinity needed replacing. Michael Hofman and the visioning group worked hard to secure a $30,000 grant for the boilers, but it required that we ourselves invested $15,000 in up grading our building to decrease our carbon footprint. We have new front doors on order, with this in mind.
If you would like to give a gift to Trinity this Christmas season, we suggest that you consider a gift to our Environmental Upgrades Fund.
For further details, read Michael’s report on the details here.
Trinity Centennial Winter Greens Fundraiser
Garlands, Greenery, Poinsettias, Silent Auction
Sister Church Fundraiser
Order Greens by November 22
Bid on Silent Auction Items until November 30