25. September Reflection of our Easter Saturday Vigil

Today we have a quiet, reflective time as we listen again to the Holy Saturday Vigil Podcast. And we have as our guide, Macrina Wiederkehr’s wonderful book Seven Sacred Pauses, Living Mindfully Through the Hours of the Day. We studied this book last year as a group. It is readily available digitally and in print. I would encourage anyone who wishes to bring calm to their lives to acquire a copy.

Last week, I quoted Simone Weil saying, “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” And so it is. To sit quietly and pay attention to anything at all – a teapot, a child, a tree, a podcast, a basketball game – it matters not. To quiet yourself and simply pay attention, is a great act of generosity and devotion. 

I am hoping that this vigil gathering, which consists of both teaching and praxis of the spiritual discipline of holding vigil, will have a kind of intimacy and communication allowing us to all draw together in sacred space through the simple act of paying attention. 

Be blessed this week. You are already a blessing to many others. 


My prayer is a prayer of intent. I make my intention and I wait. I become deep yearning.

— Macrina Wiederkehr, Seven Sacred Pauses

Sunday ServiceColin Simmons