26. Conduit to the Miraculous

Peace be with you this beautiful September week, with the frost creeping into our gardens, and the trees beginning to show off their beautiful fall colours. 

And this week, along with the last of the podcasts being repeated from the high holidays of Easter week, we are gathering for the first time in Primrose United Church, following all the proper social distancing protocols of course. We will be meeting at 10 am, and if you would like to come to the service, you will find details on our website at shelburneprimrose.com. 

 Our podcast today, is the podcast that aired last Easter morning, full of music and beautiful readings, and a simple message: Love is the conduit for the miraculous. It was true last Easter, and it is true this September as well. 

So, we wish our Jewish friends Shanah Tova, and all manner of blessings on their new year ponderings and gatherings, such as they will be in our continued time of the on-going pandemic. And we commit also, in solidarity with all people, to look around at the bounty of gifts that are given to us daily, without our asking, without our contribution, gifts from nature which we receive in gratitude. 

 May we see in the beauty of autumn, the mercy of God and the endless generosity of the natural world. 


Love is the conduit to the miraculous.

— Rev. Dr. Candice Bist

Sunday ServiceColin Simmons