Where He Leads Me, I Will Go

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The world with all its delights, and sorrows, pushes and pulls us in many different directions. We tend to think that we are having to choose always, between good and bad. But this is not so. We are simply called to choose one way or another way, and often the choices are between two equally good things. How then will we know which path is the one to follow?

If we have come to the place where we would care to be people of the way, then the choice is simple. We must follow the path that is the way of love. This is, of course, available to all people in all times and places. But for those who have chosen the way of Christianity, the way that was laid out by Jesus of Nazareth, we have a clear path.

Hoping the above visual meditation helps with this focus.


Where He Leads Me, Music/Lyrics: Twyla Paris

 There's a great, broad road, through the meadow,
And many travel there,
But I have a gentle Shepherd,
I would follow anywhere,
Up a narrow path, Through the mountains,
To the valley far below,
To be ever in His presence,
Where He leads me I will go.

Where He leads me I will go.

And there are many wondrous voices,
Day and night they fill the air,
But there is one so small and quiet,
I would know it anywhere,
In the city or in the wilderness,
There's a ringing crystal clear,
And to be ever close beside Him,

When He calls me I will hear.
When He calls me I will hear.


Where He leads me, I will follow,
When He calls me I will hear.
Where He leads me, I will follow,
When He calls me I will hear.
There is a great, broad road to nowhere,
And so many travel there,
But I have a gentle Shepherd,
I would follow anywhere,
Though the journey take me far away,
From the place I call my home,
To be ever in His presence,
Where He leads me I will go.
Where He leads me I will go.
Where He leads me I will go.