Hallelujah: Solemn and Jubilant

Cross with a sunset in the background.

It is a strange thing to prepare reflections for Good Friday and Easter Sunday at the same time, as the feeling and focus of these two holy days are so very different. The scripture we read on Good Friday reflects on dark, bleak, somber and heart breaking matters. The scripture of Easter Sunday is of hopefulness, rejoicing, and anticipation of fresh new beginnings.

This week, the reflections presented to you are in the form of song.

The first song is a duet poignantly sung by two sisters. You may recognize the melody, however, the lyrics have been altered to tell the Good Friday story of Jesus's death. The sisters recorded the song for their grandmother who lay sick in the hospital.

The second song is in stark contrast to the above mentioned one, as it celebrates Jesus the Messiah! Although Handel's masterpiece "Messiah" is often sung at Christmas, it was originally composed as a celebratory song for Easter. The link below presents a brief history of the "Halleluja" chorus from Handel's "Messiah", three amazing performances by Tabernacle choirs and the lyrics, should you wish to sing along.

Last of all we have the final instalment of lectionary notes from the SALT podcast by Matthew Myer Boulton. If you have enjoyed this series, we hope you will join us on April 11, 2021 when Matthew Myer Bouton will be our very honored guest speaker, celebrating Church with us.


From Darkness into Light


Good Friday Hallelujah

by Cassandra & Callahan Armstrong | March 21, 2021

Ten year old Cassandra and her older sibling Callahan sing this heartrending version of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah to the light of a single candle. The effect of their graceful harmonies and the retelling of the agonizing story of Jesus's death is bitter sweet.


Easter Sunday Hallelujah

from the Tabernacle Choir | March 19, 2021

The Hallelujah chorus of Handel's "Messiah" evokes feelings of sheer jubilation and exaltation! One cannot help but feel uplifted and exhilarated. In composing this incredible piece of music, Handel saved a career that had been failing, and gifted the word with a true treasure.


The Beginning of a New Time

by SALT team | March 30, 2021

In this final part of the Lenten series by Matthew Myer Boulton, a light is shone on the important role women have played in the bible narratives from the time of Moses through to the crucifixion of Jesus.


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