Third Sunday in Lent


Welcome to the Third Sunday in Lent. This week we continue to offer you services, podcasts, articles, music and announcements. We are also offering a time of social and spiritual nourishment this Sunday, March 7th at 9:00 am on Zoom. Please see your weekly news email for more details. We look forward to seeing you!



Rev. Richard Bott, the Moderator of the United Church of Canada


Bloor Street United Church

Bloor Street has many faces and a long history. The congregation was originally formed as a Sunday school in 1886 and is now undergoing major transitions to redevelop its site to be more multi-functional. Zoom services start every Sunday at 10:30 am. Recordings of each service are posted on the website.

Rev. Ted Reeve presenting a live stream


A Podcast for Understanding Easter - Part 3

This excellent podcast series for the season of Lent is hosted by Matthew Myer Boulton, who has spent twenty years teaching the Bible and theology to students at Harvard Divinity School and seminaries in New England and the Midwest. “Strange New World” takes a fresh look at the world’s bestselling book of all time, the ancient community library we call “the Bible.” This brand new series offers a fresh look at the season of Lent.

‘Were you there when they crucified my Lord?’ ... yes we were, we were all there. We still are.
— Matthew Myer Boulton

Why was Jesus killed? Why did the Roman empire, arguably the most powerful force in the world, execute an unarmed, peasant rabbi from Nazareth? And what did it have to do with one of the most dramatic episodes in Jesus' life: when he fiercely drove the money changers from the Jerusalem Temple? Turns out this mystery goes all the way back to the story of Cain and Abel...

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Podcast Commentary Notes

While listening to the podcast, you may want to supplement your experience with these commentary notes.

Change Your Life: Salt’s Lectionary Commentary for Lent →