The Third Sunday of Easter
Welcome to the third week of Eastertide. The gospel readings for these first three weeks of the season focus on stories of the risen Jesus appearing to his followers; the next four weeks will explore Jesus’ teachings about intimacy with God.
The implication of this order of readings is that the Easter season isn’t just about the astonishing “wow!” of Jesus’ rising; it’s also — and preeminently — about the equally astonishing invitation for human beings to rise into greater intimacy and life together with God.
Church on Zoom
“Music to Be Played Over Again”
Join us as Rev. Dennis, leads us through a traditional Sunday morning service. He will be speaking to us about Peter's seaside meeting with the Risen Christ and Jesus' call to Peter to feed His sheep and to follow Him. It is a message about translating our faith into faithful and loving action. It is a message about being an Easter people in a Good Friday world.
Pulpit Supply: Rev. Dennis Posno
9:50AM — Greet & chat
10:00AM — Service begins
Breaking the Taboos of Interfaith Dialogue
Our Muslim neighbours are in the season of Ramadan. Our Sikh and Hindu neighbours are celebrating the spring festival of Vaisakhi. Is the goal of speaking to people from other religions, conversion? Not at all. The Interfaith Amigos explain...
“Spirituality is inclusive, spirituality points to the absolute interconnectedness of all beings... Interfaith is not about conversion, it is about completion.”