Fourth Sunday in Lent
This week marks the one year anniversary since the pandemic lock down first arrived. What a year it has been. It is during challenging times, such as a lock down, that we turn to our faith even more. It is during challenging times, we can turn to one another for support. We look forward to continuing our connection and faith over zoom. We hope you can join us.
Church on Zoom
Shelburne Primrose Pastoral Charge Worship Service
Already more than halfway through Lent, we’re going to toss in some reflections about the effect of the pandemic’s exile on all of us, the consolation that Jeremiah offers in the midst of Babylonian exile, and the joys we have found as we connect on our porches, long socially-distanced walks, telephone calls, tea and shortbread—along with key moments along Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem and his crucifixion at the hands of the Roman Empire. A combination of Lenten reflections, humour, laughter, and joy.
Please plan to join us on Zoom tomorrow, Sunday March 14 at 9:50AM for a time of worship under the leadership of Rev. LeeAnn McKenna.
9:50AM — Greet & Chat
10:00AM — Service begins (members and visitors are welcome to stay afterward for "coffee time")
A Podcast for Understanding Easter - Part 4
The Easter story is full of big, bold reversals - but there's one, in particular, that's hidden under the skin of the story, and it just might be the most subversive of them all. Exploring it takes us to Japan, seventeenth-century England, 1980's New York City, and Nazi Germany — all to understand how the cross both epitomizes and proclaims The Great Reversal. And along the way, we'll visit one of the most famous verses in the New Testament (John 3:16), and one of the strangest stories in the Bible's library (Numbers 21).
“Whatever hostility we may encounter, the most powerful way is the gentle way.”
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