37. Joy and Woe, Sunday Morning, December 13, 2020

Joy is a central theme of the Christmas season. And during Advent, as we anticipate this celebration, we consider where exactly joy comes from, where it resides, why and how we may, or may not, have it. It might help to remember that though at the centre of the story of Jesus’ birth there are singing angels and adoring animals, there are also frightened shepherds, nasty potentates hailing from Herod’s court, slaying soldiers, and fear, anxiety and uncertainty in abundance.

But at the heart of the story is Mary and it is to her we turn this week for instruction on how to claim joyfulness when, according to the facts about you, matters are looking grim. We will discover that joyfulness is not happiness, though it may coincide with that emotion. Joy is something that resides within us to which we can turn. It is both a divine gift and a divine right, and it lives independent of our outer circumstances.

May we follow Mary’s lead and let joy rule in our hearts and homes as we reflect on the graces we have been given.


The Lord Magnifies my Soul.

— Mary, Mother of Jesus

Sunday ServiceCandice Bist