41. Be Thou My Vision, Sunday Morning Podcast, January 3, 2020
This is the second in a three part series of personal reflections as I prepare to leave my role of spiritual leadership at the pastoral charge - my audio goodbye card. Last week, I wove together some of my favourite scriptures with selected music we have been recording this last year. And today, we are going to look at some of the basic theologies within our faith, again, through my own personal experience with them.
Theology is just a fancy word for the study of God. And the word God – theo - is just a place holder for something grand and astonishing and stunning, a creativity beyond us. And I have always found the best way to study– ology meaning study of - is to have conversations. So, theology is then, a conversation with that which we do not know, but would like to be acquainted with in a more intimate way. And just as being acquainted with a moose or a great oak tree is not really possible, still the drawing close to them offers us an experience, a conversation of sorts. And I think that is the way with theology, we draw close to certain understandings in our tradition, and we have conversations with them, as we experience them in our lives. This is how we learn at a deeper level than the mere collecting of facts.
“God is Holy Mystery, beyond complete knowledge, above perfect description. Yet, in love, the one eternal God seeks relationship……”