13. Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
It is time to deeply absorb the knowledge that we are all fearfully and wonderful made. Everyone. Not just some people. And in coming to understand this, we will know that we must treat all people as sacred, as we do ourselves. “To sin is to refuse to love, to reject communion and fellowship for in humanity, each person, is the living temple of God, we meet God in our encounter with others,” wrote Gustavo Gutierrez, one of the founders of liberation theology. The time has come for us to embrace this truth and live our lives from it. To truly absorb this understanding of our very nature, will result in a great shift in human consciousness.
Momentous changes in the course of human evolution – which have been with us all along – are all very well to read about in history or science books or in our case, the Bible, but quite another to live through day by day.
So, here is a collection of thoughts from various spiritual thinkers and dreamers that remind us that though the movements of change that need to take place are enormous, our part in them is small, consistent, and though not always easy, doable for everyone. We spend time with St. Therese of Liseau, Blaise Pascal, Boarding Homes Ministries, and have a brief look at liberation and feminist theology. It is a rich little podcast this morning, with reflective music for contemplation. Every blessing for the journey.
“When every heart joins every heart and together yearns for liberty,
That’s when we’ll be free.
When every hand joins every hand and together molds our destiny,
That’s when we’ll be free.
Any hour any day, the time soon will come when men will live in dignity,
That’s when we’ll be free,
When every man joins in our song and together singing harmony,
That’s when we’ll be free.”
— Hymn of Freedom, Music: Oscar Peterson, Lyrics: Harriette Hamilton