Child Protection,DCAFS

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Children Protection helps to protect infants, children and youth who are experiencing abuse or are at risk of experiencing abuse, physically, sexually, emotionally or through neglect or abandonment. Service provided 365 days a year - 24 hours a day.


The following non-legal definitions describe what might constitute a situation which could require reporting to the agency and warrant child protection intervention:

  • non-accidental infliction of physical harm

  • malnutrition

  • emotional harm

  • sexual abuse/harm

Physical Harm: is when a child has been injured by a person who has care or custody of him, or if that person has permitted the injury. This includes, but is not necessarily restricted to, physical beating, wounding, burning, poisoning and related assaults causing visible or invisible physical injuries. Physical harm for the purposes of these provisions is also reportable if the child’s health is at serious risk because of an adult’s neglect or refusal to obtain necessary care or treatment for him. Failure to thrive diagnosis are included in this the definition.

Malnutrition: addresses a lack of sufficient or adequate nourishment. Dehydration is included in this definition. Emotional Harm: refers to a situation where a child’s emotional needs have been so seriously neglected as a result of rejection or lack of affection that intervention is essential. In such cases, the mental ill-health is reportable if the action or attitude of the person who has the child’s care is the primary cause of the child’s condition. It is usually accompanied by an unwillingness or inability on the part of the care-taking person to assist the child to obtain appropriate treatment.

Emotional Harm: refers to a situation where a child’s emotional needs have been so seriously neglected as a result of rejection or lack of affection that intervention is essential. In such cases, the mental ill-health is reportable if the action or attitude of the person who has the child’s care is the primary cause of the child’s condition. It is usually accompanied by an unwillingness or inability on the part of the care-taking person to assist the child to obtain appropriate treatment.

Sexual Abuse/Harm: refers to any improper sexual activity between a child and the adult who has his care or custody. The consent of the child is irrelevant, as is the absence of physical injury. Incestuous relationships are included in this definition. Improper or excessive sexual activity between children may constitute sexual abuse/harm if an adult in charge of either child knows about it and does nothing. The definition is not intended to encompass normal sexual experimentation between children.

Most people in our community want, and try, to be good parents. The majority are capable and responsible in caring for and protecting their children. There are times when some parents may mistreat or harm their children due to problems they are having in their family. When a request for help or a report is made to Dufferin Child and Family Services, that a child has been or is suspected of being mistreated or harmed, a Child Protection Worker will become involved by speaking with everyone in the family to determine what is happening and what services may be of help to protect the child from risk of harm.