We Are One
This week we find ourselves, yet again, faced with an unimaginable tragedy rooted in the mire of racism. Last week at a vigil set up at Fiddle Park for the 215 indigenous children found buried in unmarked graves at a Residential School, people wept and prayed with an Indigenous Elder. This week the Muslim community in Shelburne is offering evenings of prayer to mourn and honour the lives of 4 family members killed, and 1 young life shattered, by an act of malicious violence.
Our hearts go out to all those of the Muslim faith. Our hearts go out especially to the Syrian Muslim family sponsored by First Line For Syria, partnered with Shelburne Primrose Pastoral Charge, now settled in the very city where these abominable murders took place.
How can there be such hatred amongst humankind?
The following articles speak to these two devastating acts of evil. The first is an article written by Rev. LeeAnn McKenna. She provides us with insight into the role of Residential Schools in Canadian history, and she calls us to action, as a way of moving forward to create the real change needed to support our Indigenous People.
The second article from the United Church speaks to the senseless violence against the innocent Muslim family targeted this past Sunday, as they went for a walk on a sunny day.
Perhaps the notes from the SALT lectionary offer us some solace, as they speak first and foremost of hope and faith that the kingdom of God is indeed near.
Support and Fellowship
The Stones will Cry Out
by Reverend LeeAnn McKenna | June 7, 2021
This article by Reverend LeeAnn McKenna informs us and calls us to action. We are invited to increase our awareness and act in such a way that moves towards facilitating the long overdue change needed to create justice for Indigenous communities.
Prayer and Solidarity
by The United Church of Canada | June 9, 2021
This article put out by the United Church of Canada condemns the role of white supremacy and speaks of solidarity between Christians and Muslims. May we stand together with our Muslim sisters and brothers, united in prayer.
The Kingdom of God
by SALT team | June 7, 2021
During these difficult times, it is important for us to have hope and faith that there is still good in this world. We are reminded by the team at SALT that, "Jesus says, the realm of God grows from a tiny, even infinitesimal start to a wild, widespread, thriving, beautiful finish".
Living Our Faith Day-to-Day
In the light of recent events in this country, perhaps it is time to stop and sing along with Pete Seeger...