The Vine of Life

Up close in a vineyard look at grapes growing on the vine

In the lectionary this week we are presented with the symbolism of a vine representing our relationship with Jesus. The vine's many tendrils branch off growing far and wide, bearing fruit, yet remain interconnected to the main stalk.

What is our responsibility as Christians in this intertwined metaphor?

The articles below inspire us to branch out and consider our role in contributing to social issues such as poverty, injustice and climate change.

The first article comes to us from the United Church of Canada. It is a plea for the Canadian government to implement a Guaranteed Livable Income Program to empower those struck with poverty. Poverty has always been a part of our society, however, COVID, with all its many ramifications, has done much to increase the numbers of those struggling with this hardship.

We also take a look at our role as bystanders in the face of injustice. The article from Broadview considers how witnesses to injustice have power to act thanks to technology today. Justice was served in the guilty verdict of Derek Chauvin in the death of George Floyd, in a great part due to the actions of bystanders.

Lastly we have the lectionary notes from SALT. The notes reflect on Jesus's promise to humanity. He promises that in leaving, he is not abandoning us, rather, he is making way for a deeper intimacy between himself and us. Furthermore, the SALT team compares the winding shoots of the vine to Jesus's desire for reaching out to all of humanity.

Perhaps these articles will help us to grow our own branches within this living network, and produce fruit in the form of empathy and justice for all.


Life Changing Relationships


Our Relationship with Poverty

by United Church of Canada | 2021

Poverty is powerlessness. It is an inability to meet basic needs such as food, clean drinking water, proper sanitation, education, and health care. In the article and small video below, the United Church of Canada steps up and requests our government take practical and concrete steps towards helping the poor. There is an invitation to join in this appeal for anyone who would like to do so.


Our Relationship with Injustice

by Joshua Hammerman | April 21, 2021

Most of us have now become witnesses, albeit virtually, to the horrible death of George Floyd at the hands of authority figures. This article explores the action taken by bystanders who felt helpless watching police officers abuse their power. Although the action taken did not prevent the tragic outcome of the incident, it did contribute significantly in serving justice, and sends a message of social intervention for future acts of oppression.


Our Relationship with Jesus

by SALT team | April 27, 2021

SALT describes what Jesus's promise of a deep relationship with us would look like, "It would look like Jesus, and at the same time it would look like us — that is, it would look like us being the people God made us to be. In a word, it would look like love: incarnate, tangible, down-to-earth, intertwining, intersecting, growing, fruitful, vibrant love."


Living Our Faith Day-to-Day


The Bible and Climate Change

by SALT team | April 27, 2021

The SALT team have gifted us again with an insightful podcast. This is the first in a two part series focusing on the relationship between the Bible and Climate Change. Matthew Myer Boulten presents the Bible as the ultimate guide for being responsible dwellers of this Earth we call home.