30. With Heart, Soul, and Mind, Podcast for October 25, 2020

I am not unaware of the rising tensions in our world at large, or the rising tensions in the political arena, or the rightful protesting for a more equitable world on the streets. I am not unaware of the tensions that may be rising in your own homes, within your families. I am not unaware of the uncertainty before us, or the uneasiness that is settling often into our hearts. I am not unaware of these things because they too are part of my life. 

Which is why I am more and more grateful for the wisdom of a Sabbath practice, a day or time when we lay aside the harness of our lives that drives us to control and manipulate this world, to draw profit from it, to change it, to alter the course of time, to concern ourselves with its direction. We must be aware of what is going on in the world, certainly. But we must take a break from the relentless press of it as well. And that is Sabbath. And that is what Bruce and I wish to offer to you each week. A quiet time to reflect on the larger reality that sees love as the founding and endless core of the universe, its healing balm, and its grounding principle – to be refreshed with, and reminded of, the compassion that ever flows towards us, if only we will let it wash over us, and make us whole. 

Sabbath is an atmosphere of rest, peace between all things, and healing. May you enter it now. 


You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.

— Matthew 22: 37 - 40

Sunday ServiceCandice Bist