35. Praying Twice, Sunday Morning, November 29, 2020

This is the first Sunday of Advent, the four weeks of reflection that proceed the season of Christmastime. And throughout this season of contemplation, we will be looking through the lens of the mystic tradition that sees the sacred in all things, God in all matters.

You will have heard it said, that to sing is to pray twice. And as we love to sing in this season, we will let the sacred texts of our seasonal music be our scriptures these next weeks. Yes, I know we love to sing together, and that is not possible in the usual way. But I have posted for you along with this podcast, a lyric sheet. So, you can print it or read it on your technical devices and sing along with Bruce and me.

So welcome to the season of Advent, with its beautiful hymns and endless possibilities. As the days grow darker in December, we need some light. And the Advent hymns will provide that for us, drawing us to a place of reflection. In our hymn today, we have clear instruction on how to find hope, peace, joy and love in our season of uncertainty, and right in the middle of our daily life.  


Hope is a star that shines in the night,
leading us on till the morning is bright.

— Brian Wren, Hope is a Star

Sunday ServiceCandice Bist